What to Expect on Your Man On FIRE Discovery Call


“My first call was with David, and I was very skeptical. I asked for a list of existing members in the community and reached out to them to try to prove to myself it was BS. What they offered sounded too good to be true, and I thought it could be a scam. I reached out to some of their existing clients, and all I got were raving testimonials that spoke to the integrity and care from David down through his team. I used to be very triggered around money, and there was a lot of fear facing what I needed to face. What got me to overcome this was the concept of investing in myself, as I had never done that before, and I knew deep down I needed to change, or my life would continue down the path of not living up to what I knew I was capable of. I’m now crushing it in my career, more connected to my kids. Now I’m living with passion rather than in my head, and I’m madly in love with my future wife. A big thank you for David putting up with my paranoia about getting suckered and scammed. In hindsight, the only scam was me hiding from my true potential.”


“I saw a testimonial of a man on Facebook, and I knew from our shared profession as financial advisors that he was kicking ass in both his personal and professional life. So I signed up for my free discovery call, eager to get feedback on my situation and learn if Man On Fire could help me. Within seconds the coach had my trust. He treated me with respect and delivered some profound truths regarding the blind spots I had that were holding me back. Even though I was convinced Man On FIRE could help me, I almost didn’t join as I had fears about my finances and whether or not I’d get a return on my investment. The deeper truth was it was the cost of my inaction that was destroying my future, and I knew it was time to take action. The 90-minute call will change you and your loved ones’ lives. My two daughters now have a father they admire, respect, and trust. I now have an intimate, passion-filled marriage and a solid relationship with my ex-wife. I’ve found a brotherhood that won’t let me hide and play small and uncovered the light that had always been there.”


“I saw a testimonial of a man on Facebook, and I knew from our shared profession as financial advisors that he was kicking ass in both his personal and professional life. So I signed up for my free discovery call, eager to get feedback on my situation and learn if Man On Fire could help me. Within seconds the coach had my trust. He treated me with respect and delivered some profound truths regarding the blind spots I had that were holding me back. Even though I was convinced Man On FIRE could help me, I almost didn’t join as I had fears about my finances and whether or not I’d get a return on my investment. The deeper truth was it was the cost of my inaction that was destroying my future, and I knew it was time to take action. The 90-minute call will change you and your loved ones’ lives. My two daughters now have a father they admire, respect, and trust. I now have an intimate, passion-filled marriage and a solid relationship with my ex-wife. I’ve found a brotherhood that won’t let me hide and play small and uncovered the light that had always been there.”


“Before I showed up for my initial zoom call, I was very fearful of this being another program selling on scarcity, and I’d feel pressured to buy something that I wasn’t sure I wanted. I was scared as I knew showing up for the call meant I’d need to step out of my comfort zone and acknowledge I needed help. I knew I couldn’t do it alone, but my ego was telling me I could, and asking for help was a sign of weakness. It took a lot of effort to calm my mind before picking up the phone. Two things happened on the call.   The coach listened to me and the story I had created with no judgment, and he offered a perspective that instantly hit me in the gut and got me out of my head and able to see what I couldn’t previously see as it was a blindspot  I then had a profound awareness that if I was so blind to this one thing, what else was I not seeing, avoiding, missing and neglecting that was preventing me from being in my power and living at a higher level. Within 30 minutes, a small ray of light broke through the dark clouds, and I decided to take a leap of faith knowing if i didn’t, I’d get more of the same! My suggestion to the man considering showing up for his call – stop thinking, and do it! You deserve this! ”


Rise with Passion, Power & Purpose

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