WHAT IF THE CHALLENGES… in your relationships, your stress levels, your communication, your ability to be present, your sense of fulfillment or joy…


July 2nd, 2024

I know, it sounds like hype or some pitch for a magic potion or pill or genie. I get it. I was skeptical too, as were a few thousand men before you.

But wait?! You might be thinking, it isn’t all bad. My business life is pretty darn successful. I’ve gotten ahead. I’ve achieved many things I set out to do. It’s just that… (go on, fill it in…) it’s just that…

My wife doesn’t love or connect with me the way she used to. We’re more roommates than partners. Passion is more arguing in the living room than love making in the bedroom.

My kids ask me to put the phone down or when will I have time for them — to play catch or shoot hoops or come sit and watch the new play they just created in the basement!

It’s easier to grab the drink, sit on the couch and doom scroll social media and crappy news while something mindlessly plays on the TV in the background. I need to recharge somehow, don’t I? And that’s the energy that’s left over after work and what you “give” to your family.

And, occasionally, I might lose my temper.

Again, what if I told you these all occur for the same reason?

And we’re going to walk you through how to RESource yourself based on what’s been missing.

Event Details


Liberating the Untapped Potential of the Modern Man


July 2nd, 2024



● 12pm PT
● 1pm MT
● 2pm CT
● 3pm ET

Runs for approximately 90-120 minutes


Part 1 is the training (details below) and Part 2 is an open Q&A with Man On FIRE Founder David Mehler (and 1 of you is going to get picked for some coaching by David too!)

Alright, What’s the Reason? Spill the beans.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know even human beings need to be properly fueled for where they want to go.

However, this is grossly misunderstood in men. Sure, we’ll look to our bodies in terms of strength, nutrition, cardio, and sleep… and be honest, 90% of us don’t even do these well.

Regardless, this is less than 6% of what we need access to.

There are 6 Intelligences that act as FLAMES that we need to reconnect to and resource or we’ll show up as deficient, drained, fatigued, worn out, aggravated, or even apathetic in multiple areas of our lives — usually beginning with our most important relationships.

And It Is NOT Your Fault!!!

You were NEVER taught this… in fact, in many ways, you were taught the EXACT OPPOSITE which is what is causing so much of what you’re experiencing.
You were lied to… you were led to believe that happiness, freedom, relaxation, joy, fulfillment come AFTER all the hard work, but in truth you need to tap into these completely differently.
You were told “this is what we expect and need from you”… provide, provide, provide. We were given permission to be business leaders by society, our parents and families, our educators, our media. We were told that providing means money, a house, a lifestyle. And what’s really needed was left entirely out of this process and conversation… and it’s left an emptiness and aloneness that you can’t seem to shake.

It’s Time to Say ENOUGH and Step Up Into the Complete Leader You Were Meant To Be!

July 2nd, 2024

In Liberating the Untapped Potential of the Modern Man, you WILL learn:

You Will


The 4 Types of Pain — depending on the actual underlying pain, the way you approach creating change in your life, relationships, and self needs to change too. Your GPS needs a starting point, right?

The 6 Flames that’ll bring greater fuel and wisdom to all areas of your life — relationships, business, health, finances, spiritual connection, enjoyment, your growth, and meaning.

Multiple somatic practices — i.e. exercises that get you into your body and start to bring your nervous system back into a balanced place where it’s ready to perform at higher levels than you’ve ever experienced. These same exercises fuel the 6 Flames and unlock wisdom and energy that help men reach their full potential, even after being trapped for decades.

A roadmap for how you can immediately begin implementing this training in your life to create progress and results now.

Then after this powerful training, David Mehler, your Man On FIRE Mentor and Founder, will open up for an interactive Q&A session where you can go deeper into anything we discussed or fire away with whatever questions are present for you and whatever you need that may most support you in this moment of your life. AND, we’ll select 1 lucky man to receive coaching live from David, one of the most sought-after men’s coaches in the country.

About your presenter and facilitator….

David Mehler, the visionary behind Man On FIRE, has dedicated over 30 years to empowering men to shatter the chains of limitation and embrace their full potential. His unique blueprint for personal and relational success has transformed the lives of over 10,000 men, guiding them to create legacies of love, respect, and connection. He’s had the honor of supporting some of the best known names around the world, such as Tony Robbins, Hugh Jackman, Rhonda Byrne from the Secret, Brian Cox, Donna Karan & countless others. Through his unparalleled support, challenge, and accountability, David’s mentorship is not just about becoming a better man or a better partner, but becoming the best version of yourself – the one you were born to be.

Meet your moderator…

Luke Iorio has been a coach for the past 20 years. At the helm of the most respected coach training company in the industry, iPEC (the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) Luke and iPEC trained over 15,000 coaches and leaders in more than 44 countries around the world. In those 17 years – 7 of which included Luke’s tenure as CEO – the company grew nearly 40x in size. For the past 5 years, Luke has specialized in coaching men on issues of purpose and meaning, self-discovery, legacy creation, and often supports them in making significant transitions as they create and step into the life they’ve always wished to live and the version of themselves they always knew was inside them.

Meet your moderator…

Luke Iorio has been a coach for the past 20 years. At the helm of the most respected coach training company in the industry, iPEC (the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) Luke and iPEC trained over 15,000 coaches and leaders in more than 44 countries around the world. In those 17 years – 7 of which included Luke’s tenure as CEO – the company grew nearly 40x in size. For the past 5 years, Luke has specialized in coaching men on issues of purpose and meaning, self-discovery, legacy creation, and often supports them in making significant transitions as they create and step into the life they’ve always wished to live and the version of themselves they always knew was inside them.

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