8:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST | 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST

The New Normal” to “The Next Normal

Early Bird Ends In









🔥 How to Adapt, Be Resilient, Resourceful and Flourish (no matter what 2022 throws at you)

🔥 How to instantly get out of “Analysis Paralysis” and Start Taking Courageous and Purposeful Action

🔥 How to overcome old habits so you can Free up Time and Gain Energy to Pivot, Improvise, and Adapt – In An Instant

🔥 How to replace Fear and Doubt with the Faith and Courage You Need to Take Action on Huge, Life Altering Goals

🔥 How to plug the energy leaks that are draining your Masculine Power so you can Take Back The Power That Is Rightfully Yours!

🔥 How to stop walking on eggshells, being the “Pleaser”, and feeling like a prisoner in your own home… and Get Back the Passion, Trust and Intimacy (no matter how long it’s been missing)

🔥 How to quit blaming the world for why you don’t have what you want… and Start Creating Your Dream Life Today

🔥 How to go from feeling stuck and unfulfilled in your career to Gaining Clarity on your Deeper Mission and Purpose Right Now!

This Event is For You if are ready To…

Flourish Financially

…no matter what the economy is doing

Reboot Relationships

… and enjoy being passionate again

Level Up Your Life

…become the leader you were meant to be

Captain the Ship

…provide direction in your family and community

Model Greatness

…because you know the most important people are watching

Reclaim Your Power

…grow, transform, rise to any challenge
“Absolutely the best $97 I’ve ever spent on myself! The biggest difference in me is that I don’t shy away from challenges, I believe in myself. Part of that is that MOF helps you to see your own game, your own bullshit and lies to yourself but also your own beauty, strength and power like I had never seen before. I know that I still have a lot of growth ahead of me and a lot of challenges to face but I can honestly say that I like myself for the first time ever.”
Tom Bucsku

“I found Man on FIRE when I was destitute, lost, feeling unworthy and really couldn’t stand looking at myself in the mirror. I signed up and attended Code Red and was blown away. Through Code Red and Man On FIRE, my mindset has completely shifted. It’s made me realize that I have the power to decide, to choose what is enough, and start living and working towards what I desire and deserve.”
David Stowell

“Not a week goes by that I don’t think about and use the lessons I learned with MOF. I learned so much and am always able to apply that to real life challenges like beating stage 4 cancer and showing me the man path to have this amazing wife. I also now and having my adult daughters back in my life in a loving, meaningful way! My life hasn’t ever been the same and I’ve never looked back.”
George Hicks

Get Ready to Roll Your Sleeves Up
and Get to Work!

Just so we’re clear…

You will NOT be staring passively at a computer screen for 7 hours.

This is a WORKshop where you will work on yourself.

I’m going to share a new way of looking at the world and (more importantly) how you look at yourself.

You’re also going to FIRE UP YOUR MIND with thinking time and journaling exercises and…

FIRE UP YOUR BODY through very powerful bodywork movements designed to free up blocked energies that are keeping you stuck.

You’ll also FIRE UP YOUR SOUL and begin to connect with a higher intelligence that exists outside of your mind.

And all along the way there will be 1-on-1 laser coaching between me and the live virtual participants.

This virtual event is a screaming deal at just $47 on the early bird ticket!

Not sure if this is for you?

You’re in the CODE RED Danger Zone if you are…

Lashing out in anger at your wife, kids, employees, co-workers, random strangers, or the talking heads on TV

Numbing out your feeling and emotions with porn, alcohol, Netflix, weed, video games, sleep, etc.

Feeling like a prisoner
in your own life
Hoping that a vaccine, politician, or economic stimulus package, (or any other outside force) will save you
Blaming COVID and The Next Normal on any of your current problems
Stressing out about current events you see on the news

You’ve Got 2 Paths in Front of You


You can go back to sleep and distract yourself from feeling or dealing with your life with your vice(s) of choice: alcohol, food, the internet, Netflix, porn, drugs, overworking, etc…

Denying yourself what you deserve.

Denying your woman the partner she deserves.

Denying your family the dad they deserve. And let me tell you — that is a very painful road — which brings me to…


This is one where you decide to show up for yourself once and for all.

Where you choose to face that which needs to be faced and powerfully take control of your life and your future.

And that’s where I come in.

My life is dedicated to supporting men just like you in learning how to rise into the full potential of the man you were born to be.

You do NOT need to do this alone. I’ve got your back. Let’s do this!

Here’s a Sneak Peek into What You Will Learn At Code Red Virtual Workshop

🔥 The 6 masculine qualities you MUST posses if you want to prosper in the uncertainty of 2022…and beyond

🔥 Why the stuff you see on the news is no big deal — and what you should REALLY be concerned about right now

🔥 The top 3 ways men cut their connection to raw, primal power and eventually lose their balls

🔥 5 maneuvers you can use to safeguard your mind when negativity and pessimism are banging at the gates

🔥 The secret advantage you have as a man — most men are completely wasting it

🔥 The 2 core fears that drive men to hide and play small…and how to neutralize them

🔥 A 10-minute exercise revealing untapped resources you could be using to bankroll your next big move

🔥 A 3-pronged plan to snuff out the bad habits that have been betraying you for years

🔥 How to navigate through the mental “fog of war” concealing the path to your masculine greatness

🔥 A simple way to tune into your internal guidance system — make smart decisions even when you don’t have all the information

“I was overweight, had lost my parents and a long term relationship was coming to an end. Everything seemed like it was falling apart and I wasn’t sure what to do. I attended Code Red and learned some new skills and things about myself that gave me the push I needed and more confidence. Since then, I lost over 30 pounds, started exercising regularly, woke up earlier, and did reading in the morning to get stronger. That led me to being so much more effective in my business and the teachings taught in this workshop helped me to find a woman who is made for me. For the first time, maybe ever, I think I’ve found my match. If you truly want to be able to change your life, the information, support and accountability that you will get from this workshop is absolutely priceless!”
Mike Likkemark


8:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST | 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST

Early Bird Ends In








“My wife had enough. We had an argument one day and she told me that I had damaged her. The truth is I was with-holding love from her and wanting to leave. I wasn’t showing up for life and I felt like the walking dead. Coming to the one day workshop changed so much for me and when I changed, my entire family changed. My entire family is happier, I can communicate better and I’m more calm and loving with my children. I learned that I was playing small and how not to take everything so personally. I now have a new awareness of the world and thank God everyday that I showed up to Code Red!”
Paul Swift

“I had lost my wife to an affair and it put me on this path searching for growth. When I saw the facebook post promoting Code Red, it scared me because I wasn’t sure what to expect. I took the plunge and signed up. It was exactly what I needed. Men getting coached on the call, having breakthroughs and supporting each other created a secure and safe space that challenged me and grew me into a Man who is accountable, honors my soul, and knows my worth.”
Joseph Pellici

“Why is This Virtual Event Only $47?”

Spending a day with me in a small group setting will cost you $2,000.

If that seems high to you, then you should know that it’s because I’ve helped more than 5,000 men over the past 25 years.

(That’s why I can help men get great results very quickly.)

But the way I see it, we’re in emergency mode right now.

I’m watching way too many men nose diving in 2022 when (now more than ever) we need strong men to rise up and lead…

For themselves, for their families and for the world.

So since times are tough I want to make this virtual event super accessible.

That’s why the investment is just $47 when you get in on the early bird ticketing.

And it’s also why we will sell out FAST.

We’ve only got 200 seats available so click the button below to grab your ticket now.

DO NOT WAIT if you know you need this…

You’re One Click Away from Creating the Life You’ve Always Wanted…


8:00 AM to 3:00 PM PST | 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST

Early Bird Ends In








I realize there’s a lot of other things you could be doing on a Saturday but how many of those have the potential to change the course of your entire life? How many of those have the power to generate HUGE SHIFTS in your income, relationships, health, and overall happiness? At Code Red I’m going to show you how you can level up all areas of your life… no matter what is going on around you. I promise you will NOT regret it if you save your seat.

Have Questions?

TEXT “CODE RED” to 424-238-6604 My Team is Standing By!

Rise with Passion, Power, and Purpose

Copyright 2019-2022 Man On FIRE Rising, LLC. All rights reserved.