Zoom Interview with Jazz

Jazz interviews David about masculinity, MOF & posture.

“This weekend with David totally transformed me.”
“I had the money, the house, the family. I had everything materialistic and from the outside looking in I was happy, successful and had it all. Inside I was miserable and had been carrying around a weight. I couldn’t feel and that led me down a path of self-destruction. I wasn’t willing to face it because of the shame. The work with David cracked me open and allowed me to feel again. Without this, I’d never have been able to live a fulfilled life.”

– Lee

“I’m aligned with my purpose, fully owning my life.

My business has increased, my energy is explosive and the new way I carry myself is noticed by others.”

“Prior to coming to David’s program I was stuck in my head, missing life, struggling in relationships, and avoiding the conversations that needed to happen.

I knew my purpose was meant for more, for greatness, but this was difficult due to the emptiness that I felt within. I can see clearly now that I was disconnected from my heart.

Since coaching with David, I have my passion back and that’s taken me out of my head and back to living from my heart.

From this space I show up in every area of my life, authentic and powerful, having the conversations that are congruent with my inner self.”

– Paul

700 Canal Street Stamford CT 06902 • [email protected]

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